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About Us


Hi I’m Nathalee Hayden


Hi I’m Nathalee Hayden.  It is possible, if you are on this site- the  question might have began with who is ‘ nathalee hayden’?...  Let me say this, I am many things; However, since we have a limited time together - (... research alleges, the human mind is only willing to read but so much.)... 


I have only decided to embrace technology to its’ fullest recently: - Now, I am not talking about surfing only, we all do that…. Inside the embrace, I realize people like researching someone they are considering to begin a relationship with ( business, platonic, or simply to satisfy their curiosity )... What I have found to be true is this:  If the information sort is not located, the decision to create a profile picture of this individual is now based on certain assumption, that has been unearth or not….So, in this moment in time ‘ I decided to embrace technology’ and Share ‘me’...


I graduated from Northeastern University, Boston MA ( I am a late bloom ‘nerd’ ).  I am an Enterprising Entrepreneur  currently living in South Florida. I am the broker of a boutique real estate firm- Hayden Properties and Associates, Inc; with a business model based on referrals, specializing in investment and commercial properties.  In addition, I am a financial representative currently studying for the series 65.


Everything I am working towards in my profession is geared towards ‘ Retirement Planning’ for my current and future clients… 


What I know to be True is that “Profit is made on the front-end, if the right decision is not made at that point then we/ you are gambling on the back-end..”  A real estate principle which is applicable in all areas of life… ( That quote drives my passion in life and business, and helps define how I handle my customers/ clients ).


I have committed to myself 1 to 2, ( page turning), books to read each month, outside of active industry specific materials. Should you still want a bit more of an insight as to who I am, find me on - IG: haydenpropertiesflorida , / Hayden Properties Inc, and or,, Oh come over listen and subscribe to my podcast Anchorfm… Also, I do enjoy - engaging new people in conversations...Learning… Laughing, etc.,.


If you want more in depth information email me at

Nathalee Hayden 2019. All rights reserved.

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